Lesson 9 - Colors

In the following section, you will learn everything about colors.

Basic colors

Light and dark

Minkäfärinen oon ... ?

What color is ... ?

Minkä färinen oon ... ?

What color is ... ?

Compounding colors

Colors in the Kven language can be formed by compounding them with stem forms. For example, "musta-" (black), "valko-" (white), and "sini-" (blue). Consider the following pictures:

Tämä oon Tanskan flaku.

Tanskan flaku oon punavalkonen.

This is the flag of Denmark.

The flag of Denmark is red and white.

Tämä oon Eestin flaku.

Eestin flaku oon sinimustavalkonen.

This is the flag of Estonia.

The flag of Estonia consists of blue, black, and white.

«Rebekka» oon thriller-filmi.

Se oon mustavalkofilmi.

Se meinaa ette se oon mustavalkoinen.

Rebecca is a thriller film.

It is a black-and-white film.

It means that it is black and white.